January 16, 1916 Victoria Congregational Sunday School formed and on June 17, 1917 a vote was taken among the Sunday School and 45 people became charter members of Victoria Congregational Church. In a small borrowed building, loaned by the Church in the Gardens, described as
“a portable, unsanitary, over-crowded, leaky building” children and adults gathered to study, play, sing and worship. Mrs. Klare began her youth group with five cent ham suppers to raise money for the permanent church building we know and love today.
January 16, 1916 Victoria Congregational Sunday School formed and on June 17, 1917 a vote was taken among the Sunday School and 45 people became charter members of Victoria Congregational Church. In a small borrowed building, loaned by the Church in the Gardens, described as
“a portable, unsanitary, over-crowded, leaky building” children and adults gathered to study, play, sing and worship. Mrs. Klare began her youth group with five cent ham suppers to raise money for the permanent church building we know and love today.
“No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.”

SUNDAY at 4:00 PM
Next Free Briarwood Community Meal
Sunday, November 11, 2018 at 5:30 PM
Victoria Congregational Church is in the midst of some changes to be more intentionally connected to the surrounding Briarwood Community of Jamaica. The Worship Service has been moved from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM so that the members of Victoria Congregational Church might meet more with the attendees of the Free Briarwood Community Meal which is offered to anyone who is in need. Those attending the meal will have a more convenient opportunity to worship with Victoria at this new time.
There may be some glitches and bumps in the transition, but rest assured God Is Still Speaking and moving Victoria
to be an even more Welcoming Community, affirming All of God's Children.
If you are interested in Attending Worship, the Free Briarwood Community Meal, Volunteering or Donating
please contact the church office at (718) 297-9733 or [email protected] for more information.